Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Croatian Care Worker and Life in the UK

Croatian Care Worker tells her story of life and work in the UK.

Croatia is in the EU, however, there is a 7 year restriction on working, which means Croatians need a permit to work in the UK.  Croatians can also study (and obtain courses funded by government-backed student loans) or become self-employed by setting up a business.

One method for Croatians to come the UK is to study and work on a YELLOWCARD permit, which allows full-time work provided the course is vocational and the work relates to the course – e.g. care work with a diploma course in health and social care. 

If you are interested in a study course and paid work placement, provided you are willing to do care work, I can help with a job and the YELLOW CARD paperwork. See: http://how2cometotheuk.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/immigration-information-for-croatians.html 

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