Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Broke immigrant to millionaire!

During the last 20 years, I’ve met thousands of successful people have who migrated to the UK, but the person sticks out in my mind is someone who was not only broke when I met her, but also deep in debt with a terrible credit history.


She was an immigrant to this country who came here with nothing to declare except a burning ambition to succeed.


There was something about her that told me that she had a powerful hunger and desire to build a better life for herself and her daughter.


Although she had always worked hard, she instinctively knew that hard work alone was not enough.


After I started mentoring her and gave her 3 steps to follow, this single mum got herself together and changed her money habits.


3 steps to financial success


Step 1 Where are you now?


We took stock of exactly where she was, what money was coming in and where it was going. Most people have no idea “where it all goes”.


Step 2 Planning


Having established where she was, we started planning her financial journey out of debt and towards financial freedom. Most people have no plan, no roadmap and simply live week-to-week.


Step 3 Financial education


The next step was education. She took on board financial education and learned fast! She learned how to start accumulating and attracting money and use other people’s money (OPM) to become financially free.


This student was very teachable and eager to learn. Whereas a lot of people say, "I can’t do that" or “it can’t be done” and “only the rich can do that”, she would take instruction on board and say, "done that, what next?"


I was proud of her achievements but cannot take full credit. I may have pointed her in the right direction, but she took the action. She did not just sit around chanting and waiting for the ‘universe’ to send her money in the post.


In the following 5 years she built up over £1 million in property and business assets


She worked hard of course, no harder than she would have plodding along in a job for 40 years.


Yes, she had to put in a bit of extra effort at the start, but that saved her years of work, and enabled her to retire young to pursue her passion in politics and charity work.


She also paid to educate her nephew and niece by sending them to university back home. They became nurses and she helped them get jobs here for the NHS - a passport to a lifelong stream of income!


With the best intentions in the world, she could never have done all this without money.


Enjoying the fruits of your success.


Being financially free meant she had choices in life. The opportunity to travel when she wanted to, meet friends for lunch or go shopping for the day with the girls.


Time freedom to enjoy with her family without having to ask permission from her boss.


 She was also able to exchange her old Nissan Micra for a shiny new Porsche!


However, she only bought a new car when she had built up capital and passive income from property and business assets to be able to afford it.


The car was an outward expression of her wealth, but the real wealth was in her property and business.


The UK is open for business and encourages entrepreneurship. Starting a limited company is simple with far fewer restrictions than other European countries. Non-UK citizens are also allowed to own property and businesses.


Of course, she is not alone in the millions of immigrants who have hunger and passion to succeed. There’s something about the character of a person who leaves everything behind to make a new life abroad. British migrants have done extremely well in Australia, Canada and America.


If someone can come here starting with nothing, with no money, no local knowledge or contacts, as well as a language barrier and still make it, anyone can.

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